Friday, December 29, 2023

Here’s What You Need To Know About Your Infant’s Umbilical Granuloma


Umbilical Granulomas

What Are Umbilical Granulomas And What Do They Mean?

Umbilical granulomas are birthmarks that can occur on a newborn baby's body. They are caused by a collection of cells in the placenta and are usually harmless. There are many different types of umbilical granulomas, and they may appear on any part of the body. Umbilical granulomas may be flat or raised. They can be as small as a birthmark or as large at six inches long on the arm or thigh. There may also be variations to these patterns, but most often they are found on the abdomen and labia lips.

They are found in about 5% of all births and usually go away within a few months after birth without treatment. Some umbilical granulomas will not go away by themselves though, Some umbilical granulomas will not go away by themselves though.

Umbilical granuloma is a benign tumor that gets its name from the umbilical cord. This tumor appears on the lower portion of the belly and is less than 2 cm in diameter. They are most often located around the navel or at a point where several loops of umbilical cord join together. The depth of the umbilical granuloma varies and some may be shallow while others may be deeper. The area around it usually feels smooth to touch but can also feel like there is an irregular surface underneath it. Umbilical granulomas typically come on at birth and have a high chance of recurrence.


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